14 May 2008

More spring!

Perhaps not the single best sign of the season, the return of the egrets is among my favorites.

09 May 2008


As the canopy gets thicker by the day, spring's first wildflowers enjoy their last few days of full sun.

25 April 2008


The Lowry Ave. bridge was closed forever this morning. We'll miss it around here.

10 March 2008

One year

Raegan just turned one, so it must be time for first year portraits!

04 March 2008

Blue & Green

Minnehaha is beautiful again this year. Oddly, the ice is quite green near the center of the falls, and a brilliant blue as you follow the gorge around to the north.

26 February 2008


A thick fog masks the modern glass and steel look of downtown Minneapolis.

21 February 2008

Lower Mississippi

A scheduled lowering of river levels between the St. Anthony dams gives the riverfront an unusual look.

02 February 2008


28 January 2008

08 January 2008

J & D